Halloween, the time of year when the spookiness takes center stage, is just around the corner! It’s that magical season where creativity runs wild, and the ghosts and ghouls come out to play. But while we’re all for some hair-raising fun, it’s important to remember that Halloween can sometimes turn into a real eco-nightmare. Think mountains of disposable costumes and enough plastic decorations to rival a haunted landfill! Don’t worry, though; I’ve got a bag of tricks (and treats) to help you have a more eco-friendly Halloween without spooking Mother Earth.

Scary yet Sustainable Costumes

One of the most iconic aspects of Halloween is dressing up in costumes, but this tradition often results in a huge amount of overconsumption and textile waste. Instead of purchasing a new costume that may only be worn once, consider these alternatives:

Costume Swap: Organize a costume swap with friends or neighbors. This way, you can find a new-to-you costume and give your old one a new lease on life.

DIY Costumes: Get creative and make your own costumes using materials you already have at home. This not only reduces waste but also allows for a unique and personalized look.

Thrift Store Finds: Thrift stores are treasure troves for costume ideas. Browse through secondhand stores for clothing and accessories that can be repurposed into Halloween costumes. Some locations even put out sections dedicated to costumes during this time!

Boo-tiful and Sustainable: Decorating Your (Haunted) House

Halloween decorations often involve a plethora of plastic and disposable items. Can you say EEEEEEEEEK?? Here’s how you can make your Halloween décor more sustainable:

Natural Decorations: Incorporate natural elements like pumpkins (more on this later!), gourds, leaves, and pinecones into your decorations. These items can be composted after the holiday.

DIY Decor: Craft your own decorations from recycled materials or items found around the house! Paper bats, cardboard tombstones, and fabric ghosts are fun and sustainable options.

Reusable Decorations: Invest in high-quality, reusable decorations that can be used year after year. These may cost a bit more upfront but will save resources in the long run.

Ghastly Glow: Jack-O’-Lanterns

Carving pumpkins is a beloved Halloween tradition, but it often results in a lot of food waste. Here’s how to be more environmentally responsible with your jack-o’-lanterns:

1.4 billion pumpkins are produced for Halloween every year, and in 2019, 8 million of these pumpkins went to landfill. The energy, water and other resources that are used to produce these pumpkins have an environmental impact. Not only that, when the pumpkins decompose in landfill, they emit methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. 


Eat the Insides: Don’t toss the pumpkin flesh! Use it to make delicious soups, pies, or roasted pumpkin seeds.

Compost the Scraps: Any pumpkin parts you can’t use can be composted either with your curbside service if that is available or turning them into valuable nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Ditch The Trash For Your Halloween Bash!

If you’re hosting a Halloween party, consider making it less environmentally ghastly by following these steps:

Use Real Plates and Cutlery: Avoid disposable plates, cups, and cutlery by using real dishes or curbside compostable alternatives.

Zero-Waste Snacks: Serve snacks and finger foods (get it) that generate minimal waste. Avoid single-serving packaged snacks whenever possible.

Sustainable Decor: Decorate your party space with the decorations that I discussed in the above section about decor!

Let’s talk about the inevitable- CANDY WRAPPERS.

These bad boys are hang around our environment like that one guest at the Halloween party that WON’T LEAVE. But there is a solution for dealing with this candy packaging… Unite your neighborhood or rally the neighborhood school for a recycling mission. TerraCycle specializes in hard-to-recycle items and offers a collection box for candy and snack wrappers that can be shipped right back to TerraCycle! Check it out here!

So there you have it, folks – a recipe for a hauntingly fun yet environmentally conscious Halloween that even the scariest witches and zombies would approve of. Remember, it’s all about creativity, mindful choices, and a dash of spooky spirit WITHOUT leaving ghostly carbon footprint behind. By dressing sustainably, decorating thoughtfully, and treating the planet kindly, you can enjoy the chills and thrills of Halloween without filling LANDFILLS. Let’s make this Halloween a howling success for both you and the environment!