Author: Allison Zilinek Page 1 of 5

From Classroom to Home: Practical Tips for Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Development

When I was teaching, fostering emotional intelligence and providing tools for kids to navigate their feelings was one of my greatest joys. Even though I’ve stepped away from teaching to care for my babies and explore flexible work, I still find myself using my teaching experience A TON!

As a human with BIG FEELINGS myself, I firmly believe that equipping our children with the vocabulary, strategies, and safe spaces to explore and express their emotions is crucial for their well-being, and helps them as they mature into adulthood.

So, I’ve whipped up this resource that I’m pretty stoked about. But before we dive in, let’s talk prework. Picture this: me, a grown-up, using the Zones of Regulation chart to remind myself what to do when my big feelings come knocking. Yep, even us adults need a little nudge sometimes!

Spend some time talking about feelings using tools like the Zones of Regulation chart. Encourage them to identify different emotions and discuss strategies for managing them. You can make it fun by acting out scenarios and strategies. “Show me what it looks like to be FRUSTRATED/CALM/LONELY” ,” Lets pretend to be REALLY MAD and then pick what strategy we could use to calm down.” Swap personal experiences of when you’ve had strong feelings and how you navigated them. Here are some examples of questions you could ask: “Can you think of a time when you felt really annoyed? What did that feel like in your body? What happened after you had that big feeling?” Remind your child that all feelings are ok, and that it’s normal to feel anger, sadness, frustration etc.

Understanding and practicing emotional regulation has numerous benefits for children. It helps them build resilience, improve their relationships, and enhances their overall mental health.

Research studies have shown that children who develop strong emotional regulation skills exhibit:

  • Improved Academic Performance: A study published in the journal Developmental Psychology found that children with better emotional regulation skills tend to have higher academic achievement compared to their peers. By effectively managing their emotions, children can concentrate better on their studies and engage more productively in learning activities.
  • Enhanced Social Skills: Research published in Child Development suggests that children who can regulate their emotions are more likely to form positive relationships with peers and adults. They demonstrate better empathy, communication, and conflict resolution skills, which are crucial for navigating social interactions effectively.
  • Reduced Behavioral Problems: Studies have indicated that children who struggle with emotional regulation are more prone to behavioral issues such as aggression, defiance, and impulsivity. By learning to identify and manage their emotions, children can reduce disruptive behaviors and cultivate a more positive classroom and home environment.

Creating a safe space or a calm corner in your home can be incredibly helpful in supporting your child’s emotional regulation. Consider including items such as soft pillows for comfort, fidget toys for tactile stimulation, calming sensory bottles, mindfulness books, and art supplies for expressive activities.

To aid you further, here are a few recommended books that delve into the realm of feelings: ( no affiliate links)
All About Feelings

what are feelings lift the flap

questions and answers about feelings

the feelings book

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but feel free to customize the space based on your child’s preferences and needs.

Anyway, I hope you find this resource as game-changing as I do. And if you need a laugh or a shoulder to lean on in your emotional regulation journey, you know where to find me!

HERE is the link to the editable version of the chart.

make sure you’re on my newsletter!

Embrace the Hygge Vibes : Getting Your Space Ready For the Indoor Months

While chatting with my mom she shared something she does every fall season. As we welcome the “indoor months” of fall and winter my mom spends a day refreshing, it’s the perfect time to infuse your living space with warmth, hygge, and a touch of your own personal style. The best part? You can achieve this transformation without spending a fortune or harming the environment. Let’s explore some heartwarming and eco-conscious ideas to refresh your indoor decor.

1. Reimagine Your Layout

Before you dive into redecorating, take a moment to consider your room’s layout. Sometimes, a simple rearrangement of your furniture can bring a breath of fresh air to your space. Try creating a cozy focal point, like a reading nook by the window or a gathering spot around the fireplace. An inviting layout sets the stage for cozy moments with loved ones.

2. Get Creative with DIY Decor

Feeling crafty? Why not create your own decor pieces? Crafting your own art or decor using materials you have at home can add a personal and unique touch to your space.

3. Thrift Store Treasures

Thrift stores are like treasure troves for unique and affordable decor items. You’d be amazed at the gems you can discover, from charming vases and table linens to captivating wall art and knick-knacks. Plus, thrifting is an eco-conscious way to shop, reducing the demand for new production.

4. Embrace Nature’s Gifts

Why not bring a bit of the outdoors inside? Collect pinecones, acorns, and branches to create rustic and endearing centerpieces. Fresh flowers and greenery from your garden can be placed in vases, infusing your space with the tranquility of nature. These natural elements add both beauty and serenity to your decor.

5. Swap and Share

Consider a decor swap with friends or family members. You may have decor pieces you’re ready to part with, and they might have something new and exciting that you could use. Even something as simple as swapping throw pillows or blankets can work wonders in refreshing your space.

6. Revitalize Soft Furnishings

You don’t have to buy new furniture to give your space a makeover. Instead, focus on your soft furnishings. Swap out cushion covers for new colors or patterns, or invest in cozy throw blankets and area rugs. These additions can instantly transform the look and feel of your room.

7. Illuminate Your Space

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood of any room. Think about updating your current light fixtures or adding new ones to create the perfect ambiance. Plus, eco-friendly LED bulbs are energy-efficient, helping to reduce your energy bills during the darker months.

9. Textiles and Layers

Layering is a wonderful way to add warmth and comfort to your indoor space. Add textured cushions, cozy throws, and soft area rugs. Mixing different textures and patterns can create a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere.

10. Declutter and Simplify

Before adding new decor, take some time to declutter your space. Remove items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Simplifying your space can make it feel fresh and new.

11. Green Up Your Space

Indoor plants not only add beauty to your decor but also purify the air. Choose low-maintenance varieties like snake plants, pothos, or succulents if you’re new to plant care.

12. Shop Your Home

Before heading out to purchase new items, “shop” your own home. You’ll be surprised at what you can repurpose or give new life with a fresh perspective.

13. Vintage Finds

Vintage and antique shops are perfect for unique and affordable decor pieces. You can uncover vintage furniture, mirrors, or decor items that can add character to your space. Plus, choosing second-hand items contributes to sustainability by reducing the need for new production.

14. Frame Your Memories

Create a gallery wall with your favorite photographs or art pieces. Repurposing old frames or finding them at thrift stores can be a cost-effective way to display cherished memories and personal style.

15. Rearrange Your Bookshelves

Your bookshelves can be an excellent place to showcase your personality and style. Rearrange them with a mix of books, artwork, and decorative items. Consider color-coding your books for a visually striking effect.

With these budget-friendly ideas, you can easily revamp your indoor decor for the fall and winter months. The key is to be creative, resourceful, and mindful of your environmental impact. Your refreshed space will not only be beautiful but also a reflection of your values and personality.

Enjoy making your home a cozy sanctuary for the upcoming indoor season!

Surviving and Thriving: How to Stay Calm During the Holiday Hustle

The holiday season is undoubtedly a magical time filled with warmth, joy, and the spirit of togetherness. However, it can also be a whirlwind of commitments, shopping, decorating, and meal preparations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. In the midst of the holiday frenzy, it’s essential to find moments of calm, serenity and ways to simplify the season. Let’s explore some ways to maintain your peace and well-being during the bustling holiday season.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

Amid the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to put yourself at the top of your to-do list. Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential for maintaining your inner balance. Take a few moments each day to do something that fills your cup. Whether it’s getting up 20 minutes before your family to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee or tea, a few pages of your favorite book, a facemask, or a brisk walk in the fresh air, these moments of self-care can be a lifeline during busy days.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves (I’m looking at you magic maker moms!). We all want to create the perfect holiday experience, but sometimes striving for perfection can lead to burnout. Instead, focus on creating meaningful moments and cherish the imperfect beauty of the holiday season. It’s okay if everything isn’t picture-perfect, as you’re are undoubtedly creating wonderful memories with loved ones.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness, the practice of staying in the present moment without judgment, can be a remarkable tool during the holiday season. When you find yourself overwhelmed, take a deep breath. I love to use the Headspace app, and they even have curated meditations for the holidays. Enjoy the little details: the twinkling lights, the scent of freshly baked cookies, or the laughter of family and friends. Mindfulness can help you navigate through the chaos with grace.

4. Simplify Your Celebrations

We often feel compelled to do it all during the holidays, from hosting extravagant gatherings, going gung ho with the perfect decor, saying yes to every holiday activity, to buying countless gifts. However, simplifying your celebrations can lead to a more peaceful and enjoyable season. Consider reducing the number of events on your calendar, having a potluck-style dinner to share the cooking responsibilities, or opting for meaningful and thoughtful gifts rather than extravagant ones. Grocery shopping just one more to do? Consider doing a delivery from Misfits Market. Misfits Market is an online grocery delivery service that offers discounted imperfect and surplus produce and grocery items, reducing food waste and providing sustainable, affordable food options to customers. Get $10 off with this link. Thrive Market is another delivery option with some awesome sustainable and clean items. Get 40% off your first order with this link. A simplified approach can allow you to really enjoy the special moments.

5. Delegate and Share Responsibilities

The holidays are a time for coming together, so don’t be afraid to delegate and share responsibilities. Whether it’s involving family members in holiday preparations or dividing tasks among friends hosting the festivities, shared responsibilities can ease the burden on just one person and foster a sense of togetherness. *REPEAT AFTER ME* you don’t have to do it all alone!

6. Embrace Gratitude

The holidays are a perfect opportunity to embrace gratitude. Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you’re thankful for. It could be a warm home, the love of family and friends, good health, or even just that warm cup of coffee you had in the morning. Gratitude can shift your focus from stress to appreciation and bring a sense of peace and contentment.

7. Create Boundaries

In the age of digital connectivity, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant flow of holiday emails, social media updates, and messages. Don’t let the influencers on social media make you feel like you are not doing enough. Create boundaries by setting designated times for checking your messages and disconnecting from technology when you need a break. This will allow you to savor quiet moments without the constant buzz of notifications.

8. Lean on Your Support System

Lean on your support system, whether it’s your partner, family, or close friends. Share your feelings and concerns with them, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Remember, you’re not alone, and your loved ones are there to provide emotional support and lend a helping hand.

9. Stay Active

Regular physical activity can be a great stress-reliever during the holiday season. Whether it’s a brisk walk (even if its a rage walk ha), a yoga session, or a quick workout, staying active can help release endorphins, boost your mood, and provide a sense of balance.

10. Give Back

One of the most beautiful aspects of the holiday season is the spirit of giving. Consider volunteering your time to help those in need or donating to a charitable cause. The act of giving can be incredibly fulfilling and can remind you of the true meaning of the season.

11. Keep Traditions Alive

Traditions can be a source of comfort and joy during the holidays. Whether it’s baking cookies, decorating the tree, or certain games, uphold your cherished traditions that bring happiness to your heart. These rituals can provide a sense of stability and connection.

12. Go Simple with Decor

This year, you may try to opt for a simpler approach. Minimalist decor can create a sense of tranquility. Choose a few key pieces that hold personal meaning or evoke the holiday spirit, and let them shine. It will not only reduce the stress of decorating (and putting away!) but also create a peaceful atmosphere.

13. Declutter Your Space

Before you dive into decorating for the holidays, consider decluttering your space. Clearing out unnecessary items can help create a sense of calm and spaciousness.

14. Practice Forgiveness

The holiday season can sometimes bring family tensions to the surface. Practice forgiveness and empathy. Understand that everyone has their struggles and moments of imperfection. Embrace the holiday spirit of compassion and forgiveness, and focus on the love that binds you together.

A quick side note:

Dealing with Grief During the Holidays:
During the holiday season, it’s crucial to recognize that it can be a tender time for those carrying the weight of grief. If you’ve lost loved ones, remember it’s perfectly okay to embrace your feelings and allow yourself the space to grieve. You might find comfort in creating meaningful rituals to honor and remember those you’re missing this holiday season. Additionally, consider reaching out to a support network or a compassionate grief counselor who can offer guidance and understanding during this emotionally charged time.

In the midst of the whirlwind that the holiday season can sometimes become, I hope you can remember these few tips. In the end, the true meaning of the holidays lies in the love, connection, and moments of joy that we create and share with our loved ones. So, I hope you can embrace the season with an calm heart and allow yourself to enjoy every precious moment it brings.

Get Halloween-Ready with Clean Beauty: Ditch the Spooky Ingredients

October is here, bringing with it the magic of falling leaves, cozy cardigans (a nod to T Swift), and, of course, Halloween. As an imperfect environmentalist, girl mom, and clean beauty aficionado, I’m thrilled to share how you can have a hauntingly good time this Halloween while staying away from any SPOOOOKY ingredients. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve into the world of clean makeup and explore why it’s especially crucial for children and developing adolescents to reduce exposure to toxicants in makeup. We’ll also take a closer look at some fantastic clean makeup brands, including Beautycounter, Ilia, Kosas, and products available at Credo, to help you achieve the perfect, safe Halloween look.

Why Clean Makeup Matters, Especially for Kids and Adolescents

Before we dive into the specifics of clean makeup, it’s vital to understand why it matters, particularly for young individuals. Clean makeup goes beyond aesthetics; it’s all about using products that are free from harmful chemicals and toxins. While clean makeup is important for individuals of all ages, it takes on particular significance for children and developing adolescents. Here’s why:

1. Vulnerable Developing Bodies: Children and adolescents are at a crucial stage of development. Their bodies are still growing and developing, making them more susceptible to the adverse effects of harmful chemicals. Exposure to toxins can disrupt their natural growth processes and potentially lead to long-term health issues.

2. Sensitive Skin: Young skin is often more delicate and sensitive than adult skin. Toxic ingredients in makeup can cause skin irritation, allergies, and other dermatological problems, making it essential to use gentle, non-toxic products.

3. Hormone Disruption: Many makeup products contain chemicals such as parabens and phthalates, which are known to disrupt hormonal balance. During puberty, when hormonal changes are already occurring, exposure to these chemicals can have a more significant impact.

4. Long-Term Health Implications: The effects of exposure to toxins in childhood and adolescence may not manifest immediately but can lead to health issues later in life. By choosing clean makeup products early on, you’re contributing to your child’s long-term health and well-being.


Ingredients to Avoid

Now that we understand why it’s crucial to prioritize clean makeup for kids and adolescents, let’s review some specific ingredients to avoid when selecting makeup products for them:

  1. Parabens: These synthetic preservatives are commonly found in makeup products. They have the potential to disrupt hormones and have been linked to various health issues, including breast cancer.
  2. Phthalates: Phthalates are chemicals frequently used to make fragrances last longer. They are known to be endocrine disruptors and should be avoided, especially in products intended for kids.
  3. Synthetic Fragrances: Fragrances can contain numerous undisclosed chemicals, many of which can be harmful. Fragrance-free or naturally scented products are safer choices.
  4. Lead: Some lipsticks and cosmetics may contain lead, which is toxic when ingested or absorbed through the skin. Choose lead-free makeup options for lip products, especially for children who might accidentally ingest them.
  5. Mineral Oils: These can clog pores and disrupt the skin’s natural balance. Seek makeup products that use nourishing, plant-based oils instead.
  6. Artificial Dyes: Artificial colorants may cause skin irritation, particularly for those with sensitive skin. Opt for makeup with natural colorants derived from fruits and vegetables.
  7. PFAS: PFAS, also known as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, can be found in some makeup products, particularly in long-lasting cosmetics such as waterproof mascaras and foundations. It’s essential to avoid these products containing PFAS as these chemicals have been associated with health concerns, including endocrine disruption and potential long-term harm to both to you and the environment.

Clean Makeup Brands for Halloween Fun

Now that we’re armed with knowledge about the importance of clean makeup, let’s explore some clean makeup brands that offer safe and vibrant options for Halloween fun:

  1. Beautycounter: BIG SURPRISE HERE! Beautycounter is a brand that takes clean beauty seriously. Their makeup products are rigorously tested and free from harmful ingredients. When it comes to creating a bold Halloween look, consider Beautycounter.
  2. Ilia Beauty: Ilia offers a range of clean makeup products that are perfect for Halloween transformations. Their mascara and eyeliners are known for delivering striking results without compromising on safety.
  3. Kosas: Kosas specializes in clean, high-performance makeup. Their lip products, in particular, are popular for achieving Halloween-worthy lips without any toxic ingredients.
  4. Credo Beauty: Credo is a retailer known for curating a wide selection of clean beauty brands. You can find clean makeup products from various trusted brands here, making it a one-stop shop for your Halloween makeup needs.

A Clean Halloween Look for Kids

When it comes to Halloween makeup for kids, safety is paramount. Here’s a simple and clean Halloween look that you can create using clean makeup products:

1. Friendly Witch: Transform your little one into a friendly witch with a touch of clean makeup magic. Use a green, non-toxic face paint for the base, and choose a lead-free black eyeliner for adding. Finish the look with a clean lipstick in a bewitching color.

2. Glittering Fairy: For a sparkling fairy look, opt for clean makeup glitter and eyeshadows. Create delicate wings using a gentle, non-toxic eyeliner, and make sure to use safe adhesives for any glittery accents.

3. Scary Skeleton: If your child wants to be a spooky skeleton, choose a white, clean face paint as the base. Use a clean black eyeliner to draw eerie skeleton features, and add a pop of color with a lead-free lipstick for a touch of fun.

4. Adorable Scarecrow: Turn your child into a delightful scarecrow with the help of clean makeup products. Using peach toned cream makeup and eyeliner, this cute and easy look is a winner!

5. Rainbow Unicorn: Use eyeliner as your outline, and then fill in the rest with nontoxic paint or even eyeshadow for a shimmery magical look!

This Halloween, let’s celebrate the season WITHOUT spooky ingredients in our makeup! By choosing clean makeup products from brands like Beautycounter, Ilia, Kosas, and those available at Credo, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your health or ethical values. The decision to embrace clean beauty isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a conscious choice to prioritize the well-being of your family and our planet.

Have a safe, spooky, and clean Halloween!

Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links provided in this article may be affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. It’s important to know that I only recommend products and brands that I personally use and trust. Your support through these affiliate links helps me continue to create free, informative content for you. Thank you for your understanding and support!

Haunted by Waste This Halloween? Tips for a Sustainable Spookfest

Halloween, the time of year when the spookiness takes center stage, is just around the corner! It’s that magical season where creativity runs wild, and the ghosts and ghouls come out to play. But while we’re all for some hair-raising fun, it’s important to remember that Halloween can sometimes turn into a real eco-nightmare. Think mountains of disposable costumes and enough plastic decorations to rival a haunted landfill! Don’t worry, though; I’ve got a bag of tricks (and treats) to help you have a more eco-friendly Halloween without spooking Mother Earth.

Scary yet Sustainable Costumes

One of the most iconic aspects of Halloween is dressing up in costumes, but this tradition often results in a huge amount of overconsumption and textile waste. Instead of purchasing a new costume that may only be worn once, consider these alternatives:

Costume Swap: Organize a costume swap with friends or neighbors. This way, you can find a new-to-you costume and give your old one a new lease on life.

DIY Costumes: Get creative and make your own costumes using materials you already have at home. This not only reduces waste but also allows for a unique and personalized look.

Thrift Store Finds: Thrift stores are treasure troves for costume ideas. Browse through secondhand stores for clothing and accessories that can be repurposed into Halloween costumes. Some locations even put out sections dedicated to costumes during this time!

Boo-tiful and Sustainable: Decorating Your (Haunted) House

Halloween decorations often involve a plethora of plastic and disposable items. Can you say EEEEEEEEEK?? Here’s how you can make your Halloween décor more sustainable:

Natural Decorations: Incorporate natural elements like pumpkins (more on this later!), gourds, leaves, and pinecones into your decorations. These items can be composted after the holiday.

DIY Decor: Craft your own decorations from recycled materials or items found around the house! Paper bats, cardboard tombstones, and fabric ghosts are fun and sustainable options.

Reusable Decorations: Invest in high-quality, reusable decorations that can be used year after year. These may cost a bit more upfront but will save resources in the long run.

Ghastly Glow: Jack-O’-Lanterns

Carving pumpkins is a beloved Halloween tradition, but it often results in a lot of food waste. Here’s how to be more environmentally responsible with your jack-o’-lanterns:

1.4 billion pumpkins are produced for Halloween every year, and in 2019, 8 million of these pumpkins went to landfill. The energy, water and other resources that are used to produce these pumpkins have an environmental impact. Not only that, when the pumpkins decompose in landfill, they emit methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. 


Eat the Insides: Don’t toss the pumpkin flesh! Use it to make delicious soups, pies, or roasted pumpkin seeds.

Compost the Scraps: Any pumpkin parts you can’t use can be composted either with your curbside service if that is available or turning them into valuable nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Ditch The Trash For Your Halloween Bash!

If you’re hosting a Halloween party, consider making it less environmentally ghastly by following these steps:

Use Real Plates and Cutlery: Avoid disposable plates, cups, and cutlery by using real dishes or curbside compostable alternatives.

Zero-Waste Snacks: Serve snacks and finger foods (get it) that generate minimal waste. Avoid single-serving packaged snacks whenever possible.

Sustainable Decor: Decorate your party space with the decorations that I discussed in the above section about decor!

Let’s talk about the inevitable- CANDY WRAPPERS.

These bad boys are hang around our environment like that one guest at the Halloween party that WON’T LEAVE. But there is a solution for dealing with this candy packaging… Unite your neighborhood or rally the neighborhood school for a recycling mission. TerraCycle specializes in hard-to-recycle items and offers a collection box for candy and snack wrappers that can be shipped right back to TerraCycle! Check it out here!

So there you have it, folks – a recipe for a hauntingly fun yet environmentally conscious Halloween that even the scariest witches and zombies would approve of. Remember, it’s all about creativity, mindful choices, and a dash of spooky spirit WITHOUT leaving ghostly carbon footprint behind. By dressing sustainably, decorating thoughtfully, and treating the planet kindly, you can enjoy the chills and thrills of Halloween without filling LANDFILLS. Let’s make this Halloween a howling success for both you and the environment!

“Join the Clean Beauty Revolution: The Top Benefits of Becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate”

If you’re passionate about clean beauty and want to make a difference, becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate may be the perfect opportunity for you. As a Brand Advocate, you will have the chance to share your love of clean beauty with others while earning an income and being part of a community of like-minded individuals. Here are just a few of the benefits of becoming a Beautycounter Brand Ambassador:

  1. Make a difference in the world

Beautycounter is a company that is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. They use only safe, clean ingredients in their products and are committed to advocating for safer beauty standards. As a Brand Ambassador, you will be part of this mission and can help spread the word about the importance of clean beauty. You will have the chance to make a real difference in the world by promoting safer products and advocating for change.

  1. Earn income on your own terms

As a Beautycounter Brand Advocate, you can earn income on your own terms. Whether you’re looking for a part-time gig or a full-time career, you can set your own goals and work at your own pace. You can earn money by selling products, hosting events, and building your own team of Brand Advocates. With Beautycounter’s generous compensation plan, the sky’s the limit when it comes to your earning potential.

  1. Get access to exclusive products and perks

As a Beautycounter Brand Advocate, you’ll have access to exclusive products and perks. You’ll be able to try out new products before they are released to the public and receive discounts on all of your purchases. You’ll also have the opportunity to attend exclusive events and conferences and connect with other Brand Advocates.

  1. Join a community of like-minded individuals

One of the best things about becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate is the community that you’ll become a part of. You’ll have the chance to connect with other like-minded individuals who are passionate about clean beauty and making a difference. You’ll have access to a support system that can help you succeed and thrive as a Brand Advocate.

  1. Be part of a growing industry

The clean beauty industry is growing rapidly, and Beautycounter is at the forefront of this movement (fun fact, our female founder Gregg Renfrew coined the term “Clean Beauty”…we are the OG).

The global clean beauty market was valued at US$7.22 billion in 2022. The market value is expected to reach US$14.36 billion by 2028.

Business WIre

The market value is expected to reach US$14.36 billion by 2028. As a Brand Advocate, you’ll be part of a growing industry that is focused on making a positive impact on the world. You’ll be able to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations in clean beauty and be part of a community that is dedicated to making a difference.

If you’ve ever considered becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate, chances are you have some questions swirling around in your mind. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

  1. What exactly is a Beautycounter Brand Advocate? A Beautycounter Brand Advocate is someone who is passionate about clean beauty and wants to make a positive impact. As an Advocate, you become part of a community of like-minded individuals who share the same values. Your role is to educate others about the importance of clean beauty and introduce them to Beautycounter’s safe and effective products.
  2. Do I need any previous experience in the beauty industry? Not at all! Beautycounter Brand Advocates come from all walks of life. Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast, a stay-at-home parent, a working professional, or anyone with a genuine interest in clean beauty, you can become an Advocate. Beautycounter provides comprehensive training and resources to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.
  3. Isn’t that a PYRAMID SCHEME? I totally get where you’re coming from, and I’m happy to clarify that Beautycounter is definitely not a pyramid scheme. I WAS TERRIFIED that it was one as well, and that is why I resisted joining for so long. Just to clarify…Pyramid schemes are those sneaky, illegal setups that rely mostly on recruiting folks without any real products or services involved. Now, when it comes to Beautycounter, it’s the real deal. Not only do we have an awesome lineup of safe and clean beauty products that we’re all about, but we are also a certified B Corporation. (businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose- think patagonia, athleta, cotopaxi, ben & jerry’s.) Yes, we Advocates earn commissions, but it’s not just from recruiting – it’s from selling these amazing products to folks who want to make healthier beauty choices. Plus, Beautycounter is all about being open and honest. I totally encourage you to do your own digging and check out Beautycounter’s track record. We’re all about clean beauty and ethical practices. If you’ve got more questions or just want to chat more about it, feel free to hit me up anytime!
  4. How can I earn income as a Beautycounter Brand Advocate? One of the great perks of being a Brand Advocate is the ability to earn an income. You can make money through your client’s online orders and if you’re interested in building a team, through mentoring your team of Advocates to success as well. Beautycounter offers a generous compensation plan, providing you with the opportunity to earn both immediate income and long-term residual income.
  5. Will I receive any support or guidance as a Brand Advocate? Absolutely! When you join Beautycounter as a Brand Advocate, you become part of a supportive community. You’ll have access to training materials, regular team meetings, mentorship programs, and ongoing support from Beautycounter’s corporate team. Additionally, you’ll receive personalized guidance and coaching from your upline, fellow Advocates, and the broader community.
  6. Are there any purchase requirements or quotas? Unlike many other direct sales companies, Beautycounter does not impose any monthly purchase requirements or sales quotas on its Brand Advocates. You have the freedom to work at your own pace and set your own goals. While there are incentives and rewards for achieving certain milestones, there is no pressure to meet specific sales targets.
  7. Am I required to recruit? No, you are not required to recruit others as a Beautycounter Brand Advocate. While building a team and mentoring others can be a rewarding aspect of the opportunity, it is entirely optional. As a Brand Advocate, you have the flexibility to focus solely on retail sales and sharing the benefits of clean beauty with others. Whether you choose to solely focus on selling products or decide to build a team is entirely up to you and your personal goals. Beautycounter believes in empowering individuals to define their own path within the business, ensuring that you have the freedom to tailor your approach to what works best for you.
  8. Why do you recruit then? Well, turns out, helping women find a community of multidimensional, word changing badasses while helping their friends and family get safer products into their homes AND earning financial breathing room LIGHTS ME UP. I love it. I love finding women to run with, and this business has provided me SO much more than just an income. I have always loved to mentor, and connecting with women to enrich both of our lives has been a surprising part of the job that I absolutely love.
  9. What does it cost to enroll? To have Brand Advocate status and access your personal website, trainings and social media assets, Beautycounter requires an annual renewal fee of $50. This fee helps cover administrative costs and ensures that you continue to receive ongoing support, training, and access to the latest product launches and promotions. It’s important to note that while there are costs associated with joining and maintaining your Brand Advocate status, Beautycounter provides excellent value in return. The comprehensive training, ongoing support, and the opportunity to earn an income and make a positive impact in the clean beauty industry make it a worthwhile investment for many passionate individuals.
  10. What happens if I join and don’t like it? If you decide that being a Beautycounter Brand Advocate isn’t the right fit for you or if you simply don’t enjoy it as much as you expected, NOTHING HAPPENS. Beautycounter understands that this opportunity may not be for everyone, and your decision will be respected. As a Brand Advocate, you have the flexibility to adjust your level of involvement or discontinue your participation altogether. There are no binding contracts or long-term commitments that force you to continue if you’re not stoked on the gig. You have the freedom to reassess and make choices based on your own lifestyle and goals. If you find that being a Brand Advocate isn’t your cup of tea, you can choose to step back from the business at any time without any penalties or obligations. You can simply discontinue your activities and move on!
  11. What perks do Beautycounter Brand Advocates get? On top of getting 25- 35% commission on your personal sales, early access to products, and other promos throughout the year.

My Only Regret? Not Starting Sooner

If I were to pinpoint my biggest regret in this incredible journey, it would undoubtedly be not jumping into the world of Beautycounter as a Brand Advocate sooner. I let my fear of judgment cast a shadow over my decision, and I can’t help but wish I had said “yes” to this opportunity much earlier.

I know what you might be thinking because I’ve been there too. The fear of what others might think, the hesitations about whether I could do it, and the uncertainty about how it would all pan out – these doubts held me back for far too long.

It’s funny how we often allow fear to dictate our choices, preventing us from seizing opportunities that could profoundly impact our lives. Looking back, I see how I let those apprehensions get the best of me, and it’s something I wish I could change.

In reality, becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate has been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve connected with incredible individuals, discovered a passion I didn’t know I had, and made a tangible difference in the clean beauty movement. All those missed opportunities, the connections I could have made, and the lives I could have touched earlier – they weigh on me as a reminder that sometimes, our fears can hold us back from greatness.

So, if you’re standing at the crossroads of hesitation, I encourage you not to let fear be the driver of your decisions. Don’t wait as I did. Embrace the opportunity, take that leap of faith, and see where it can lead you. You might just find, like I did, that the only regret you have is not starting sooner.

In conclusion, becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate can be a great opportunity for anyone who is passionate about clean beauty and wants to make a difference in the world. You’ll be able to earn income on your own terms, get access to exclusive products and perks, and be part of a community of like-minded individuals. If you’re ready to take your love of clean beauty to the next level, consider becoming a Beautycounter Brand Advocate today.

Eco-Conscious Back-to-School: 10 Ways to Go Green This Year

As a former elementary school teacher and now a parent of an elementary aged child, the anticipation of a new school year ALWAYS fills me with excitement. It’s a time for children and parents alike to embark on a new adventure, and it’s also a fantastic opportunity to instill eco-friendly practices that benefit both our kids and the planet. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share numerous eco-conscious ideas and essentials for preparing your child for school. Whether you’re a seasoned parent or a first-timer, these tips will help you make the back-to-school experience more sustainable and enjoyable. (Note: Some of the product recommendations below include affiliate links, while others do not.)

1. Lunch Box: PlanetBox Bento Box

One of the most eco-friendly choices you can make is selecting a durable, reusable lunch box. I highly recommend the stainless steel lunch box by PlanetBox. It’s not only dishwasher safe but also comes with multiple compartments, making it perfect for packing a variety of foods. Plus, it’s designed for easy access, allowing even the littlest hands to open it without assistance. What’s more, it’s built to last for years, eliminating the need for disposable lunch containers. (Note: This is not an affiliate recommendation.)

2. Silicone Snack Bags: Stasher Bags

Another fantastic eco-friendly addition to your school routine is silicone snack bags, such as those offered by Stasher. These bags have become a staple in our family for good reason. They’re not only dishwasher safe but also incredibly durable. Unlike disposable plastic bags, they can be used over and over again, reducing the waste produced by your child’s snacks. Whether you’re packing fruit, nuts, or sandwiches, Stasher Bags are a reliable and environmentally friendly choice. (Note: This is not an affiliate recommendation.)

3. Reef-Safe Sunscreen: Beautycounter Sunscreen Stick

For outdoor activities and sun protection, opt for a reef-safe sunscreen like the Beautycounter Sunscreen Stick. This sunscreen is not only easy for little hands to apply but also leaves no white cast, making it suitable for people of all ages. It’s formulated with safety in mind, ensuring it’s gentle on your child’s skin and the environment. So, you can send your child to school with the peace of mind that they’re protected without harming our oceans. Use code CLEANFORALL20 for 20% off your first purchase

4. Secondhand Clothing: Embrace Sustainable Fashion

When it comes to clothing your child for school, consider eco-friendly options like secondhand clothing. Hand-me-downs from friends and neighbors can be a great way to reduce waste and save money. Additionally, explore in-person thrift stores or online platforms like Kidizen, which specialize in gently-used children’s clothing. By choosing secondhand options, you’re not only reducing the environmental impact of clothing production but also promoting a circular economy. Use code CFF0i for $5 your first order ( thats a zero btw)

5. Eco-Friendly Transportation: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

One of the most impactful ways to make the school journey eco-friendly is by choosing sustainable transportation options. Encourage biking, walking, carpooling, or taking the bus to school whenever possible. Not only do these choices reduce carbon emissions, but they also help alleviate the chaos of drop-off and pick-up lines. As an example, our 6-year-old will be riding the school bus this year with her cousins, and she couldn’t be more excited about this eco-friendly adventure.

6. Reusable Water Bottle, Utensils, and Cloth Napkins: Ditch Single-Use Plastics

Reduce single-use plastic waste by investing in reusable essentials. We love Yeti water bottles because they’re not only durable but also dishwasher safe. In today’s busy world, the convenience of being able to toss them in the dishwasher is a big plus. For utensils, you can either use what you already own or opt for bamboo utensil sets, which are a sustainable alternative to disposable plastic ones.

Additionally, consider sending your child to school with cloth napkins instead of paper ones. These small changes can significantly reduce the amount of single-use plastic your family generates.

7. Label Everything: Teach Responsibility and Organization

Labeling your child’s belongings is not just about keeping things organized; it’s also a valuable lesson in responsibility. Help your child label everything, from backpacks to lunch boxes and clothing. Establish a routine for putting items away when they’re done with them at school and when they return home. This practice not only prevents items from getting lost but also teaches kids the importance of taking care of their possessions.

8. Zero-Waste Snacks: Minimize Packaging Waste

When packing snacks and lunches for your child, think about ways to minimize packaging waste. Invest in reusable containers for snacks like fruit, vegetables, and trail mix. By reducing single-use packaging, you not only reduce waste but also save money in the long run.

9. Teach Sustainability: Involve Your Child

Lastly, make back-to-school eco-friendliness a family affair. Involve your child in the process and teach them about sustainability. Explain why you’re making certain choices, like using reusable containers or choosing secondhand clothing. By including your child in these discussions and actions, you’re instilling a lifelong appreciation for eco-conscious living.

10. Volunteer for Green Initiatives at School

Get involved in eco-friendly initiatives at your child’s school. Volunteer to help with recycling programs, participate in community clean-up events, or join the school’s sustainability committee if available. By actively engaging in green activities within the school community, you not only promote environmental awareness but also contribute to a more eco-conscious educational environment for your child and others. These efforts can inspire positive change and demonstrate the importance of sustainability beyond the classroom.

In conclusion, preparing your child for school can be an opportunity to embrace eco-friendly practices and instill valuable lessons in sustainability. These tips and essentials will not only make the back-to-school experience more environmentally friendly but also set a positive example for your child. Here’s to a fantastic school year filled with learning, growth, and eco-conscious choices that benefit both your child and the planet!

Beauty with Peace of Mind: Why Expectant and Nursing Mothers Choose Beautycounter

Congratulations on your journey towards motherhood! Whether you are trying to conceive, expecting a little one, or nursing your baby, your well-being and the safety of your baby are of utmost importance. Today we will explore why Beautycounter products are a safe and reliable choice for women trying to conceive, expectant mothers, and nursing moms. You deserve to maintain your beauty routine while prioritizing the health and safety of both you and your baby! In this blog post, we will dive into the reasons why Beautycounter products are a safe and reliable option for maintaining your beauty routine during pregnancy.

  1. Commitment to Safety and Transparency: One of the core principles that sets Beautycounter apart is its unwavering commitment to safety. Beautycounter strictly prohibits the use of over 2,800 harmful or questionable ingredients in their products, going above and beyond industry standards. These ingredients, such as parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, and synthetic fragrances, have been linked to potential risks for both mother and baby. Beautycounter’s dedication to transparency means that every ingredient used is thoroughly researched and disclosed to consumers, empowering you to make informed choices about the products you use during this crucial time.
  2. Rigorous Ingredient Selection Process: Beautycounter’s products are carefully formulated to meet the highest safety standards. Their ingredient selection process involves sourcing raw materials from trusted suppliers who share their commitment to safety and quality. Every ingredient is subjected to a rigorous screening process, ensuring that it meets Beautycounter’s stringent safety guidelines. In addition, the company invests in independent third-party testing to further verify the safety and purity of their products.
  3. The Never List™: Beautycounter’s Never List™ is a comprehensive guide that highlights ingredients the company vows to never use in their products. This list serves as a valuable resource for pregnant women seeking safe beauty options. By avoiding harmful substances commonly found in conventional beauty products, Beautycounter ensures that their products are a reliable choice for expecting mothers who prioritize their health and that of their growing baby.
  4. Supportive Community and Resources: Beautycounter understands that pregnancy can be a time filled with questions and concerns. Beautycounter offers a wealth of educational resources, such as blog posts, articles, and ingredient glossaries, all aimed at empowering you to make informed decisions about your beauty routine.

Skincare Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s essential to be aware of certain skincare ingredients that may pose potential risks to you and your baby. While Beautycounter products are formulated with your safety in mind, it’s always good to be informed. Here are some common skincare ingredients to avoid during pregnancy and the reasons behind their potential risks:

a) Retinoids: High doses of vitamin A derivatives, such as retinol and retinyl palmitate, commonly found in anti-aging products, may increase the risk of birth defects. Opt for gentler alternatives like Bakuchiol and plant-based ingredients or consult your healthcare provider for safe options.

b) Hydroquinone: This skin-lightening ingredient has been associated with potential risks during pregnancy. Avoid products containing hydroquinone and opt for natural alternatives like licorice extract or vitamin C for brightening effects.

c) Formaldehyde: Often found in nail polishes and hair-straightening treatments, formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen and should be avoided due to potential harm to you and your baby.

d) Phthalates: These chemicals are commonly used as fragrance stabilizers and plasticizers in various cosmetic products. They can be found in fragrances, perfumes, lotions, creams, and hair care products. Phthalates are known to be potential endocrine disruptors and may have adverse effects on reproductive development. Look for fragrance-free or naturally scented products to avoid exposure to phthalates.

e) Parabens: Parabens are a group of preservatives used to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast in cosmetics. They can be found in a wide range of skincare products, including moisturizers, cleansers, serums, and makeup. Common parabens to look out for include methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. Parabens have been associated with potential hormone disruption, and some studies have detected their presence in breast milk and fetal tissue samples.

TTC, nursing and pregnancy is already nerve wracking enough, so rest assured that your self care routine is safe with Beautycounter. Go ahead mama, indulge in a beauty routine that nourishes your skin, while keeping you and your baby safe!

Remember, the purpose of this blog post is not to scare you, but to empower you with knowledge and information to make informed decisions about your skincare routine.

If you ever need help, I am here for ya!

xx Allie

BOLD LIP ENERGY: Why Clean and Non-Toxic Lipstick Matters for Your Well-Being

Photo by Didssph on Unsplash

Hey there, lipstick lovers! Have you ever put on a bold lip and felt like you could take on anything? Let’s dive into the fabulous world of lipsticks and why it’s essential to rock clean and non-toxic ones.

We all know that lipstick adds that perfect pop of color and completes any makeup look, right? But not all lipsticks are created equal, my friends. Some of them can be seriously harmful to your health. Don’t worry, though, I’ve got you covered with some TOP notch swaps.

What Makes Lipstick Toxic?

Many lipsticks contain ingredients that can be harmful to your health. These include heavy metals like lead and cadmium, as well as other harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. These ingredients can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream, potentially causing health problems like allergies, hormone disruption, and even cancer.

Clean and non-toxic lipsticks are also better for the environment. They are often made with sustainably sourced ingredients and are packaged in eco-friendly materials. This means that you can look great while also doing your part for the planet.

Let’s shine a spotlight on a few brands that’s doing it right:

Beautycounter has gained quite a reputation for their commitment to clean beauty, and their lipsticks are no exception. They go above and beyond to create lip products that are not only gorgeous but also safe for your precious pout.

As you may know, Beautycounter is a brand that takes ingredient safety seriously. They have a “Never List” that outlines over 2,800 harmful or questionable ingredients that they prohibit from their products. Their lipsticks are free from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. You can trust that when you swipe on a Beautycounter lipstick, you’re pampering your lips with goodness.

Another reason to love Beautycounter is their dedication to transparency. They are committed to providing clear and detailed information about their ingredients, sourcing, and manufacturing processes. This transparency allows you to make informed choices and feel confident about what you’re putting on your lips.

But it doesn’t stop there. Beautycounter also puts their products through rigorous testing to ensure their safety and performance. They work with independent third-party labs to conduct thorough testing and ensure that their lipsticks meet high standards of quality and safety. So, when you wear a Beautycounter lipstick, you can rest easy knowing that it has undergone extensive scrutiny.

Who says you can’t have both beauty and safety? GET 20% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER WITH CODE CLEANFORALL20


Gensee Lipstick has been making waves in the beauty world with their impeccable formula and dedication to clean beauty. Their lipsticks are formulated with natural and organic ingredients that are safe for your lips and body.

They carefully select their ingredients to ensure that they are free from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. This means you can confidently wear their lipsticks without worrying about potential health risks.

I love their Pick Me Up Lip Matte Lipstick – which comes in 8 shades.


One of the standout features of Axiology lipsticks is their dedication to using ethically sourced ingredients. They prioritize sustainable practices and work closely with farmers and suppliers to ensure their ingredients are not only of the highest quality but also produced in an environmentally conscious manner.

Axiology takes their commitment to the environment a step further by using packaging that is not only beautiful but also eco-friendly. Their lipstick tubes are ZERO waste- they’re tube and cap free, Made from upcycled materials, crayons are wrapped in paper and rest in a recyclable carrying case. These environmentally friendly and clean products can also be used on the eyelids or cheeks for a pop of color! USE CODE WELCOME FOR 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER

So, whether you’re a lipstick aficionado or just dipping your toes into the world of clean beauty, These lipsticks are an excellent choice. They combine stunning shades, high-quality performance, and a commitment to non-toxic ingredients that will make your lips and conscience happy.

Remember, it’s all about making choices that prioritize your health and the health of our planet. So go ahead, treat yourself to a swipe of lipstick and feel confident that you’re making a beautiful, non-toxic statement. Kisses to that!

Rise, Resist and Nurture: Motherhood’s Empowering Actions to Dismantle the Patriarchy

Motherhood is a journey that holds immense power—the power to shape the future, challenge the status quo, and dismantle the chains of patriarchy.

The patriarchy, with its deep-rooted norms and power imbalances, restricts the potential of all genders. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes, stifles individuality, and reinforces inequality.

Always trying to dictate the rules, it’s like a bad game of Monopoly where only a select few get to collect the money and own the best real estate. But fear not, because mommy is here to challenge the status quo. It’s time to flip the script, dismantle the patriarchy, and empower a new generation to rewrite the rules in their own way.

As mothers, we have the ability to take bold and empowering actions that promote gender equality and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive world. So, let’s grab our superhero capes and explore some impactful steps we can take to shake up the patriarchal landscape:

  1. Parent with a Vision: We can be the driving force behind change by instilling the values of gender equality in our children. Through open and honest conversations, we can educate our little ones about the harmful effects of gender stereotypes and biases. Let’s encourage them to challenge societal norms, embrace empathy, and celebrate the diverse talents and capabilities of all individuals.
  2. Nurture Critical Thinkers: By fostering critical thinking skills, we empower our children to question the world around them. Let’s encourage them to examine the messages they receive from media, society, and peers. By teaching them to think independently and critically about gender norms and stereotypes, we equip them with the tools to challenge the status quo and advocate for equality.
  3. Language Matters: Words have the power to shape our perceptions and reinforce societal norms. As mothers, we can promote inclusivity by using language that embraces all genders. Let’s break free from gendered labels and instead use language that respects and acknowledges the diverse identities of individuals. By doing so, we create an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
  4. Stand as Advocates: We are a force to be reckoned with when we raise our voices and advocate for gender equality. We can actively participate in activism and advocacy efforts that challenge gender-based discrimination and violence. Whether it’s joining local organizations, attending rallies, or engaging in online campaigns, our collective actions can create waves of change.
  5. Lift Each Other Up: Supporting and empowering other women and girls is an integral part of our journey. Let’s become mentors, cheerleaders, and advocates for women and girls in our communities. By creating safe spaces and nurturing environments, we enable them to thrive and embrace their full potential. Let’s also amplify their voices, celebrate their achievements, and stand united in our pursuit of equality.
  6. Self-Care as Resistance: Taking care of ourselves is an act of rebellion against the patriarchal norms that often demand our self-sacrifice. Prioritizing our well-being, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed are essential steps in our journey. By valuing ourselves and demonstrating self-love, we become role models for our children and contribute to a society that values the holistic well-being of all its members.

“I want them to see a mother who loves them dearly, who invests in them, but who also invests in herself. It’s just as much about letting them know as young women that it is okay to put yourself a little higher on your priority list.”

Michelle Obama

Here are ten fantastic children’s books that promote gender equality and feminism for children ages 3-8:

  1. “The Paper Bag Princess” by Robert Munsch: This classic tale features Princess Elizabeth, who outsmarts a dragon and challenges traditional gender roles. It emphasizes bravery, resourcefulness, and the importance of being true to oneself.
  2. “Rosie Revere, Engineer” by Andrea Beaty: Rosie dreams of becoming a great engineer and learns that perseverance and embracing failure are essential for success. This book encourages girls to pursue their passions and highlights the value of resilience. There are other titles from the author with similar messages- Sofia Valdez, Future Prez, Ada Twist, Scientist
  3. “Not All Princesses Dress in Pink” by Jane Yolen and Heidi E. Y. Stemple: In this colorful and playful book, princesses engage in a variety of activities beyond traditional stereotypes, showing that being a princess can be diverse and empowering.
  4. “Malala’s Magic Pencil” by Malala Yousafzai: Based on the inspiring true story of Malala Yousafzai, this book introduces children to her childhood dreams and her advocacy for girls’ education. It promotes bravery, standing up for one’s rights, and making a positive impact.
  5. “The Name Jar” by Yangsook Choi: This story follows a young Korean girl who learns to appreciate her name and cultural identity in a new school. It encourages inclusivity, embracing diversity, and celebrating one’s heritage.
  6. “I Like Myself!” by Karen Beaumont: This delightful book teaches children about self-acceptance, self-love, and embracing their unique qualities. It emphasizes that it’s what’s inside that truly matters, promoting positive self-image and confidence.
  7. Julian Is a Mermaid” by Jessica Love: Julian loves mermaids and expresses himself authentically, embracing his identity. This book encourages children to be true to themselves and celebrates individuality and acceptance.
  8. “She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World” by Chelsea Clinton: This inspiring book introduces young readers to remarkable women who have made a significant impact throughout history. It highlights the power of persistence and determination in pursuing one’s dreams.
  9. “Grace for President” by Kelly DiPucchio: Grace runs for class president and challenges gender stereotypes by showing that anyone, regardless of gender, can be a leader. It encourages children to believe in their abilities and promotes the concept of equal representation.
  10. Sulwe” by Lupita Nyong’o: This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a young girl named Sulwe who learns to embrace her unique beauty and discovers her own self-worth. It celebrates diversity, self-acceptance, and inner beauty.
  11. “I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark” by Debbie Levy: This biography introduces children to the inspiring life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a trailblazing Supreme Court Justice who fought for gender equality and women’s rights. It emphasizes the importance of speaking up and standing up for what is right.
  12. “The Story of Ruby Bridges” by Robert Coles: Based on the true story of Ruby Bridges, the first African American child to attend an all-white school in the 1960s, this book teaches children about courage, resilience, and the fight for equal rights.
  13. Grace Goes to Washington” by Kelly DiPucchio: In this empowering tale, Grace joins her class on a trip to Washington, D.C., and discovers the importance of using her voice and taking action to make a difference. It encourages civic engagement and advocacy.

These books provide children with valuable lessons about equality, empowerment, and embracing one’s authentic self. They inspire conversations about gender equality, diversity, and the importance of everyone’s voice being heard.

Remember, dear moms, each action we take, no matter how small, has the potential to create a ripple effect that reverberates far beyond our immediate surroundings. Together, we can dismantle the patriarchal structures that hold us back and foster a better world. So, let’s embrace our power, unleash our voices, and lead the charge toward a brighter future—for ourselves, our children, and generations to come.

In solidarity,


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