The holiday season is undoubtedly a magical time filled with warmth, joy, and the spirit of togetherness. However, it can also be a whirlwind of commitments, shopping, decorating, and meal preparations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. In the midst of the holiday frenzy, it’s essential to find moments of calm, serenity and ways to simplify the season. Let’s explore some ways to maintain your peace and well-being during the bustling holiday season.

1. Prioritize Self-Care

Amid the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to put yourself at the top of your to-do list. Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential for maintaining your inner balance. Take a few moments each day to do something that fills your cup. Whether it’s getting up 20 minutes before your family to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee or tea, a few pages of your favorite book, a facemask, or a brisk walk in the fresh air, these moments of self-care can be a lifeline during busy days.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

One of the biggest sources of holiday stress is setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves (I’m looking at you magic maker moms!). We all want to create the perfect holiday experience, but sometimes striving for perfection can lead to burnout. Instead, focus on creating meaningful moments and cherish the imperfect beauty of the holiday season. It’s okay if everything isn’t picture-perfect, as you’re are undoubtedly creating wonderful memories with loved ones.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness, the practice of staying in the present moment without judgment, can be a remarkable tool during the holiday season. When you find yourself overwhelmed, take a deep breath. I love to use the Headspace app, and they even have curated meditations for the holidays. Enjoy the little details: the twinkling lights, the scent of freshly baked cookies, or the laughter of family and friends. Mindfulness can help you navigate through the chaos with grace.

4. Simplify Your Celebrations

We often feel compelled to do it all during the holidays, from hosting extravagant gatherings, going gung ho with the perfect decor, saying yes to every holiday activity, to buying countless gifts. However, simplifying your celebrations can lead to a more peaceful and enjoyable season. Consider reducing the number of events on your calendar, having a potluck-style dinner to share the cooking responsibilities, or opting for meaningful and thoughtful gifts rather than extravagant ones. Grocery shopping just one more to do? Consider doing a delivery from Misfits Market. Misfits Market is an online grocery delivery service that offers discounted imperfect and surplus produce and grocery items, reducing food waste and providing sustainable, affordable food options to customers. Get $10 off with this link. Thrive Market is another delivery option with some awesome sustainable and clean items. Get 40% off your first order with this link. A simplified approach can allow you to really enjoy the special moments.

5. Delegate and Share Responsibilities

The holidays are a time for coming together, so don’t be afraid to delegate and share responsibilities. Whether it’s involving family members in holiday preparations or dividing tasks among friends hosting the festivities, shared responsibilities can ease the burden on just one person and foster a sense of togetherness. *REPEAT AFTER ME* you don’t have to do it all alone!

6. Embrace Gratitude

The holidays are a perfect opportunity to embrace gratitude. Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you’re thankful for. It could be a warm home, the love of family and friends, good health, or even just that warm cup of coffee you had in the morning. Gratitude can shift your focus from stress to appreciation and bring a sense of peace and contentment.

7. Create Boundaries

In the age of digital connectivity, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant flow of holiday emails, social media updates, and messages. Don’t let the influencers on social media make you feel like you are not doing enough. Create boundaries by setting designated times for checking your messages and disconnecting from technology when you need a break. This will allow you to savor quiet moments without the constant buzz of notifications.

8. Lean on Your Support System

Lean on your support system, whether it’s your partner, family, or close friends. Share your feelings and concerns with them, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Remember, you’re not alone, and your loved ones are there to provide emotional support and lend a helping hand.

9. Stay Active

Regular physical activity can be a great stress-reliever during the holiday season. Whether it’s a brisk walk (even if its a rage walk ha), a yoga session, or a quick workout, staying active can help release endorphins, boost your mood, and provide a sense of balance.

10. Give Back

One of the most beautiful aspects of the holiday season is the spirit of giving. Consider volunteering your time to help those in need or donating to a charitable cause. The act of giving can be incredibly fulfilling and can remind you of the true meaning of the season.

11. Keep Traditions Alive

Traditions can be a source of comfort and joy during the holidays. Whether it’s baking cookies, decorating the tree, or certain games, uphold your cherished traditions that bring happiness to your heart. These rituals can provide a sense of stability and connection.

12. Go Simple with Decor

This year, you may try to opt for a simpler approach. Minimalist decor can create a sense of tranquility. Choose a few key pieces that hold personal meaning or evoke the holiday spirit, and let them shine. It will not only reduce the stress of decorating (and putting away!) but also create a peaceful atmosphere.

13. Declutter Your Space

Before you dive into decorating for the holidays, consider decluttering your space. Clearing out unnecessary items can help create a sense of calm and spaciousness.

14. Practice Forgiveness

The holiday season can sometimes bring family tensions to the surface. Practice forgiveness and empathy. Understand that everyone has their struggles and moments of imperfection. Embrace the holiday spirit of compassion and forgiveness, and focus on the love that binds you together.

A quick side note:

Dealing with Grief During the Holidays:
During the holiday season, it’s crucial to recognize that it can be a tender time for those carrying the weight of grief. If you’ve lost loved ones, remember it’s perfectly okay to embrace your feelings and allow yourself the space to grieve. You might find comfort in creating meaningful rituals to honor and remember those you’re missing this holiday season. Additionally, consider reaching out to a support network or a compassionate grief counselor who can offer guidance and understanding during this emotionally charged time.

In the midst of the whirlwind that the holiday season can sometimes become, I hope you can remember these few tips. In the end, the true meaning of the holidays lies in the love, connection, and moments of joy that we create and share with our loved ones. So, I hope you can embrace the season with an calm heart and allow yourself to enjoy every precious moment it brings.