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Naptime Activism- How To Make A Difference and Engage in Social Change in Your Nooks and Crannies Of Time

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” 

Theodore Roosevelt

Have you ever felt like you don’t have the time or energy to participate in political or social activism? You’re not alone. Between work, family responsibilities, and other obligations, it can be challenging to find the time to engage in activism. That’s where “naptime activism” comes in – a concept that encourages people to use small pockets of downtime to make a difference.

Naptime activism refers to the idea of using small pockets of time, such as your kid’s naptime or other breaks in your day, to engage in activism. While it may seem like a small step, these moments can add up and have a meaningful impact.

Here are some examples ways that YOU can engage in naptime activism:

  1. Phone calls and emails: Use your break time to make phone calls or send emails to your elected officials about issues you care about. You can also contact businesses and organizations to voice your opinions and concerns. My favorite app is called and it is the easiest and most effective way for U.S. constituents to make a political impact. You pick your topic (gun control, abortion rights, opposing anti-trans legislation) and provide your zip code, and it gives you your script, and your numbers to call. I highly recommend setting a reminder so that you make your calls as many times a week as you can!
  2. Social media activism: Use your downtime to share information about important issues on social media. This can help raise awareness and encourage others to take action. Did you call your representatives? Share that with your network! Just make sure that you are sharing factual information, and not spreading misinformation.
  3. Letter-writing campaigns: Take a few minutes during naptime to write letters to your elected officials or to organizations advocating for change. You can also participate in postcard campaigns or other letter-writing initiatives. I personally have participated in several letter writing campaigns where I “adopted” voters from underrepresented voting groups to try and increase voter turnout. Writing letters to voters is one of the most effective ways to help increase election turnout. And you can do it right from home!
  4. Sign petitions: Many petitions can be signed quickly and easily online, making them a perfect naptime activism activity. Look for petitions related to the issues you care about and add your name to the list of supporters.
  5. Donate: Use your break time to make a donation to an organization that aligns with your values. Even a small donation can make a big difference, especially when combined with other contributions. We personally like to donate to, and
  6. Check in with grassroots organization: Use your time to research grassroots organizations to see how you can get involved. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots organization dedicated to fighting gun violence in the United States. If you’re interested in getting involved, the first step is to visit the Moms Demand Action website and sign up for their email list. This will keep you informed about upcoming events, actions, and campaigns in your area.

Some people might argue that naptime activism is not enough to make a real difference. While it’s true that larger actions are needed to bring about significant change, every little bit helps. By engaging in naptime activism, you are adding your voice to a larger movement and contributing to the momentum needed to create real change.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” 

Margaret Mead

This type of activism is also a great way to get involved in activism if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about where to start. It’s a low-pressure way to dip your toes into the world of activism and can help build confidence and momentum for larger actions in the future.

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

John F. Kennedy

Another benefit of naptime activism is that it can be done from home, making it accessible to people who may have difficulty attending in-person events or have other limitations on their time or mobility. This allows a wider range of people to get involved in activism and can help ensure that a diverse range of voices is heard.

Of course, naptime activism is just one small piece of the larger puzzle. I am no stranger to marches and even in person advocacy in Washington DC (went in 2022 to advocate for more health protective laws). But naptime activism is a great way to supplement larger actions and ensure that our voices are heard even during the busiest times of our lives.

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale

The world can feel scary, out of control and the problems insurmountable. Naptime activism is a valuable tool for anyone looking to take back their power, use their voice and make a difference in the world. By using your downtime to engage in activism, you can contribute to larger movements and help create change. Whether it’s making phone calls, writing letters, or signing petitions, every little bit counts. So the next time you have a few minutes to spare, consider using that time to make a difference in the world.

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem, then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”

 Fred Rogers

Decluttering = Destressing

The Importance of Sustainable and Ethical Closet Decluttering

I can just imagine my mom’s face as she reads this. I feel like I should start this post by saying “mom, per usual, you were right.” I am a recovering clutterbug, packrat, and floordrobe owner (yes you read that right…it’s when your wardrobe mostly just lives on your floor.) Since having children of my own, battling anxiety, and in generally just becoming a functioning grown up, I have changed my ways and cannot tell you the wonders that OWNING LESS has done for me.

Decluttering your closet can be a daunting task, but it is an essential step in creating a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe, as well as a calmer more intentional home. Owning fewer things not only declutters your physical space, but also helps you make more conscious and responsible choices about what you bring into your life.

On top of that, studies have shown that clutter can lead to higher stress levels, an inability to concentrate, relationship problems, and a lower quality of life in general.

“Simplicity involves unburdening your life, and living more lightly with fewer distractions that interfere with a high quality life, as defined uniquely by each individual.” 

Linda Breen Pierce1947.
photo from upslpash

Why is it important to own less?

  • Reducing clutter in your home can lead to a more peaceful and organized living space.
  • Having fewer clothes means you will be more likely to wear and appreciate the pieces you do have.
  • Owning less also reduces your environmental impact, as the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to pollution and waste.

A great place to start decluttering your life, is in your closet.

So, how do you declutter your closet in a sustainable and ethical way?

  1. Start by taking everything out of your closet and laying it all out on your bed or floor.
  2. Sort through each item and ask yourself: “Have I worn this in the past year?” “Does it fit me well?” “Do I love it?” “Is it in good condition?” “Does this fit into the life I actually lead?”
  3. Set aside any clothes that don’t fit, are in poor condition, or that you haven’t worn in a while. These can be donated or recycled. (you know I’m gonna make a plug here to make sure you’re donating responsible- use a For Days take back back for items that are too damaged, stained or in poor shape to donate. Keep in mind that 84% of our clothing ends up in landfills or exported to countries that DO NOT want it. )
  4. Not sure if it should stay or go? Put in a bin and move it to the garage or under the bed and make a note on your phone to check back in 6 months….if you haven’t missed it…it is time to say goodbye!
  5. Hot tip: you don’t need more hangers…you need less clothing!
  6. Keep a small selection of clothes that you love, wear often, and that fit you well. These are the pieces that will make up your sustainable and ethical wardrobe.
  7. Before buying new clothes, think about if it is something you really need or if you can find a more sustainable or ethical alternative.

By decluttering your closet in a sustainable and ethical way, you can create a more peaceful living space, appreciate the clothes you own, and make more conscious and responsible choices about what you bring into your life.

Remember, the goal is not to own nothing, but to own only what is truly important and necessary for you. With a little bit of effort, you can create a wardrobe that is both beautiful and responsible.

I am very much a work in progress in this area, but join me as I strive for a simpler, pared down existence where we take care of what we own, ponder purchases thoughtfully, and cultivate a calm home.

Want to read more on how to cultivate a sustainable closet? Check out my blog post on that here!

I’ve learned that minimalism is not about what you own, it’s about why you own it.

Brian Gardner


Hindsight is 20/20, and MAN oh man, if you know me personally you know that I have a nasty astigmatism and terrible vision, so the fact that I made some mistakes on my quest for a more conscious closet should come as no surprise.

It has been about 2 years since the true start of my journey into slow fashion. I am still very much learning as I go, but wanted to share some of the missteps and misconceptions I had when starting out my journey.

Here are 6 things I wish I had known starting my slow fashion journey:

  1. It shouldn’t cost you money. You do NOT need to go out and “invest” in a whole new wardrobe from “sustainable brands”.
  2. SLOW FASHION isn’t something that is bought. In fact, the whole idea behind slow fashion is about changing your mindset around the consumption of clothing.
  3. Wear the heck out of the fast fashion that you already own. Don’t be ashamed to wear something from a fast fashion brand because you bought it before you knew better. I love to say, wear your fast fashion so much that you make it slow.
  4. You don’t need to dress in all beige, black and white to have a capsule wardrobe . Yes, having some basic interchangeable items is SUPER helpful to having a wardrobe full of items you will wear again and again….BUT there is nothing wrong with print and pattern, as long as you intend to wear it a ton.
  5. There is such thing as overconsumption of secondhand clothing. Try your best not to replace your add to cart itch with a habit of frequenting the thrift store of perusing poshmark constantly. I made this mistake bigtime when I started on my journey…learn from MY pitfalls!
  6. Your perfect closet won’t happen overnight. You DON’T need to rush into making a capsule wardrobe. Take time to to notice what pieces you own FEEL like you. What “sparks joy” when you wear it? Write that down in a journal and use it later when creating a cohesive and conscious closet.

I hope that you find these tips helpful on your journey! Have some ideas to add? let me hear them in the comments!



Anything But Mediocre Archives

My brother was a writer too

I used to have a tumblr blog, and recently out of pure curiosity I looked it up. Funny thing about the internet… for better or for worse, things stick. And after a very quick google search, I was able to locate it.

What started as a travel blog when I lived in Tanzania, turned into so much more for me.

Reading it is like opening a time capsule. A glimpse into a very hard time in my life, when my family was grieving the loss of my brother Chris. I turned to nature, poetry, music and writing as a balm for my deep sadness, and the blog really does reflect that.

This is a poem I wrote along with a photo I took in Tahoe in the summer of 2012.


















Allison Rudolph (zilinek)

Here is another one I wrote

A foe:

That numbered face:

I try to wrench back its hands.

It never works. They spin on

Unperturbed, Unfeeling, Unknowing

As they always have.

And always will.

Never to be impeded or slowed,

Those hands that show no mercy.

Allison Rudolph (Zilinek)

damn, I was a sad girl. but a once a poetry nerd, always a poetry nerd. Grateful for words.

Brother of Mine- From the Anything But Mediocre Archives

Holidays can be especially hard for those of us who have suffered tremendous loss (and it is my finding, that most of us have.) I already have started to feel the more frequent pings of melancholy and the ache of missing my brother Chris. We are almost eleven years from his death, and I can say that for us, time does dampen the pain, but it never goes away.

For me, reading my words from the months after losing Chris is cathartic. Grief is complicated. Words still escape me to explain life after profound loss. But coming back to this post helps for some reason.

Original posting date October 11, 2012


Since the accident happened, scores of essays, articles, and testaments about my  brother have come out.  Over the past eight months, I felt shame and guilt that I was unable to express the sense of loss or share the admiration I have for my brother, but I was unable to put words to paper.  Even still, while writing this, my thoughts are erratic, the emotions intense, and the ability to express myself is clumsy and weak.  I stumble over the words, and fall into clichés that do him or my sorrow no justice. Some call it writers block; for me it was a paralysis.  I went into torpor, unable to put any words down to begin to communicate what I was feeling.  At the risk of being melodramatic, writing this can only be compared a paraplegic learning to walk again, so forgive me if it seems jumbled and confused. 

            When it first happened, when I first got that call from my parents telling me news about my brother, the air was sucked out of my life.  I felt as if all the gravity of my world as I knew it was imploding down on me; like some sort of concentrated black hole.  I was left paralyzed and disbelieving; gripped with an agonizing sense of loss and confusion.  After an excruciating plane ride over the great wide Pacific Ocean, alone, half conscious, I fell into the arms of my equally devastated sister, mother and father.  Grief and loss, with the force of an Atom bomb, had descended on my family. My extraordinary brother, Chris, had been snatched right out of our lives. 

Extraordinary is a word I never understood.  When breaking it down, “Extra”, in our normal day to day use is synonymous with “very” and when paired with  “ordinary” its literal connotation conjures the idea of something being  more ordinary than exceptional.  However the meaning is quite the contrary, as was my extraordinary brother Chris.  Chris had a robust spirit, with charm that was undeniable.  His crooked smile, a signature that he wore, punctuated almost all conversations.  A fiery and insatiable zest for life, Chris was never one to say, “let’s do it tomorrow” (unless it had to do with cleaning…) He lived his life in way as if to inspire everyone he met to get out and get after it.  Chris was always full throttle.  Hilariously clever and dedicated, he was the perfect big brother.  In discussions with others who have lost a loved one too soon, the statement “quality over quantity” applies.  We did not get the quantity that we so desired, but we received the most supreme quality.  Chris was the highest caliber of person, a white hot beacon of positive energy and on February 19th 2012, our brightest star was obliterated in a moment. 

With the death of my brother a peculiar relationship with the mountains was forged.  The mountains were always a place where my fondest memories with family were held, a place of wild discovery: a place of communion between self and nature.  My parents had raised us to keep the mountains close to our heart (as the beloved John Muir preaches), and we were all propionates of the idea that going to the mountains truly was going home.  The mountains: the place where I have always felt the most comfort, had taken my brother.  It was the ultimate betrayal. Chris’s love for the mountains was immense.  Chris had an other worldly bond with the mountains.  They were his church;  the peaks and crags his cathedrals and confessionals.  I used to look upon the mountains like old friends, serene and enduring, from which I learned valuable lessons.   Now, I look upon the mountains as unfeeling, cold, tyrants, doling out both dangerous and beautiful experiences and taking what they desire at their own unpredictable whim.  And yet I am still drawn to them like a moth to a flame.  It is where I can feel him.  He is there, he is in the streams, he is in the granite slabs and pockets of wildflowers.  He is in the falling flakes on the steep faces.   I see him standing at the crest of the peaks, walking with me through the meadows, letting me know  he is with me always when I am in the arms of nature.   

Grief is complicated and shifty.  This given, every person experiences grief differently.  In the weeks after the accident, I felt as if every molecule in my world was saturated with it; the air thick with my loss and longing.  Every minute passed as slow as an eternity, each blink causing a flash of pain.  The thought of it getting any easier was unfathomable, that this is the way the world will be forever: monochromatic, void of joy: distorted and excruciatingly difficult. Slowly, the minutes passed, and the hours became more bearable, days began to slip by and grief became a heavy familiar feeling, and I grew accustom to its company.  I still often squeeze my eyes shut, re-opening them hoping for a different reality, that this is just all part of a bad dream, and I can pick up the phone and call Chris to tell him how much I love him, and how long its feels since I’ve seen him.  I  curl up with grief, wrapping myself in the pain and sadness as testament to my loved one.  It is my own, and nothing and no one can take it from me.  Grief becomes as intimate and integral to your being as your own skin and it never goes away.

With loss, the sense of yearning is piercing.  How badly I wish to spend one more moment with Chris.  I yearn for moments passed: all the years of our childhood, spent pretending, imagining, creating and exploring.  I yearn for his guidance, he was always able help me make my way.  I yearn for his sense of humor and think of how he would know just what to say to make my day.  I yearn for him to be there in moments to come, and think of how he won’t see me at my wedding day, or meet my children, or see Clare’s children gown up.   I just miss him so damn much. 

When Chris died, the light from my life was extinguished, or so I thought.  Little did I know at the time, a small ember of light still burned.  Friends and relatives fanned this small flame, tending it with fastidious and unwavering care.  Some days, a strong gust of sadness all but puts it out.  But the memory of Chris, and the love from friends and family keeps it lit.  As for my sister, mom and dad, we take turns tending each other’s flame.  We seek out the beauty that surrounds us, and we venture to gather as many meaningful experiences with loved ones as we can, knowing now how quickly they can disappear. We laugh, we smile, we cry, and we live.  We keep our flames lit, because Chris would want it that way.  Chris’s ferocity for life burns within us, and each person whose life he touched.  

My Breakup with Alcohol

“I needed to lose you to love me…”

213 days ago I woke up with one of those soul crushing hangovers. My girlfriend and I had gone out to celebrate my birthday in Palm Springs, and we spent the night beebopping around having fun drinks and dancing our hearts out at the gay bars (PSA gay bars are the BEST place to have creep free dancing!)

Nothing “bad” happened, no huge dramatic scene, horrific event or trouble with the law… but man oh man, I woke up with a horrible hang over, and most of all, overwhelming feelings anxiety and shame.

These feelings are not new to me, and as someone who deals with and takes medication for anxiety, I have done quite a bit of work to mitigate these feelings.

But then I would drink and all that work would go out the window… Even if it was two glasses of wine, I would wake at 2 in the morning and let my mind wander to every dark road I could possibly find.

Now, this was far from the first time that I over did it and woke up with a fuzzy or NO recollection of the night before. And although I could moderate and even abstain for long stretches of time, eventually I’d have a night where I’d over do it, and then the self loathing would sink in.

Although most people think there is a rock bottom moment for most people who decide to quit drinking, for me, my decision to stop was more due to “a death by a thousand cuts situation.”

No I wasn’t drinking everyday, or in the morning, nor had I had any run-ins with the law due to my overdrinking. My marriage wasn’t falling apart and I wasn’t unfit to be a mother.

But had I strained relationships, embarrassed myself and experienced extreme self loathing due to my drinking? ABSOLUTELY.

Had there been times where I found it hard to stop after two drinks? ABSOLUTELY.

Did I use alcohol to deal with stress or decrease my social anxiety? ABSOLUTELY.

But that day in March, I decided I’d had enough. Drinking Allie was so far from the woman I wanted to be for my family, friends and for myself.

There is a lot of shame, stigma and assumption associated with sobriety. We see struggling with alcohol as a character flaw instead of a sadly incredibly common consequence of drinking an addictive substance in a society obsessed with alcohol (I’m looking at you toxic mommy wine culture!)

I don’t label myself as an alcoholic, nor do I have an everyday struggle with a desire to drink. And for that I know I am fortunate.

I don’t attend meetings, and so rarely do I miss alcohol. I am in early days of my sobriety, and know that as an ever evolving person (and someone who is been humbled enough to know never to say never) I don’t see myself prescribing to the the traditional construct of “Hi I am Allie and I’m and alcoholic” , and #oodat (lone day at a time), especially since I’ve NEVER felt more free from the pull of alcohol. I don’t question the decision.

I consider myself lucky that I stopped drinking before I hit a rock bottom.

My overwhelming gratitude towards my family, my mental and physical health, and my lot in life is my guiding light in my alcohol free journey.

In the past 6 months, I have listened to dozens of books and podcasts by women who are on an alcohol free journey. I have been painfully awkward at events where I didn’t yet have the words or confidence to share why I wasn’t drinking. Although my partner isn’t 100% AF, I have the support of my partner and I can clearly see how our relationship (and our finances) have benefitted from this life change.

I have learned SO much about myself, and I have enjoyed some great mocktails.

And although I thought that going alcohol free meant that I was going to lose friendships, invitations to celebrations, and my ability to dance with abandon…turns out when I quit alcohol I had a lot more to gain than to lose.

I actually gained:

⁃ Self respect

⁃ Peace

⁃ Trust in myself

⁃ Clear skin

⁃ Better sleep

⁃ Deep connections with other women on a AF journey

⁃ Patience with my children

⁃ Energy

⁃ Creativity

⁃ Compassion for myself and others

⁃ Continued support from my rockstar friends

I struggled a lot with whether I should share my story publicly, because the fear or shame and judgment weigh heavy on me.

I worried about whether it was too early in my journey to share, what people would (and will) think, but I’ve decided to share this because I hope that my story might land with someone out there who feels alone.

If you ever want to talk, I’m here for you. 🫶🏼

My Summer Skin Savers

If you’re like me, your skin takes a bit of a beating in the summer. Between traveling to different climates, sun exposure and seriously sweaty days…here’s how I keep my skin clear, hydrated, and bright throughout the the summer months:

Defense Is Your Best Offense.

Countersun Daily Sheer Defense For Face

I cannot say enough good things about Beautycounter’s Daily Defense Sunscreen. This reef friendly lightweight 25 SPF formula is made with non-nano zinc oxide and provides protection from UVA, UVB, and HEV blue light rays while leaving NO white cast (really!). As an added bonus, it has skincare properties like antioxidants to help protect skin from pollution and chicory root extract to support skin’s moisture barrier.

A Good Wide Brim Hat

Nothing beats a good brimmed hat for keeping the sun off of your face. I have an old Yellow 108 hat that I bought at Whole Foods when we lived in Oakland (wowza thats a long time ago!) and I also love my thrifted straw hat that I found at The Garrett in Walnut Creek. Here are a few cute options- one from a sustainable brand and one that is not, both super cute! Remember, if you plan on buying something that is not from a sustainable brand, be sure you LOVE it enough to wear the crap out of it…and if I didn’t have my favorite thrifted straw hat… I would definitely be purchasing this JCREW hat! (these are both NOT affiliate links FYI)

I love this boater hat from TenTree- a sustainable hat brand, and this adorable raffia bucket hat from JCrew.

Shelter From the Sun

Let’s talk beach tents. Again, these are not affiliate links, but just wholehearted recommendations. In my humble uncool opinion, this is the ULTIMATE beach tent.

The aptly named Pacific Breeze Easy Setup Beach Tent- truly is a BREEZE to set up. You do NOT have to fool around with separate poles and it takes all of 45 seconds to set up and take down. It comes with stakes and has sand bags that keep the tent from blowing away. My sister snagged it from Costco, but it can also be found from the evil empire* (aka Amazon)

Rehydrate That Thirsty Skin

Even with sunscreen, a hat and a beach tent, your skin does have some exposure to the elements, and I have found that these three products really help my skin stay hydrated and glowing.

Lotus Glow Cleansing Balm

an all time, year round favorite of mine

If you’ve been here a while, then you KNOW how I do not shut up about this product. It truly is an incredible multi-tasking cleansing balm, perfect for day and night use. With a blend of lotus extract, jojoba seed oil, and avocado seed oil, this balm cleanses impurities with nourishing ingredients that won’t strip away your skin’s natural moisture and will increase your skin’s luminosity. You’ll truly see a glow after using this product. (HOT TIP: it can also be used as a mask for a hydrating overnight facial.) First time clients can use CLEANFORALL30 for 30% off your first order!

Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion

Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion

This lightweight lotion will refresh your skin and leave it refreshed, glowing, and radiant. It absorbs super easily and adapts to your moisture needs throughout the day- providing 24 hour hydration.

The results speak for themselves:

After just two weeks*:

  • 94% said it provided instant and long lasting hydration
  • 94% noticed skin looked smoother
  • 90% said skin looked and felt healthier

All Bright Brightening Facial Oil

This whole ALL BRIGHT line is truly sunshine in skincare form.
watch this quick video to check it out

If you’ve never used a facial oil before, this is your sign to give it a try. This powerhouse formula will deeply nourish your skin while boosting brightness skin and improve the appearance of radiance. Add a few drops into your moisturizer or apply directly to face as last step in your skincare regimen. This oil is one piece of the All Bright family, check it out here

Despite your best efforts you still got a burn. Don’t worry..I’ve got you:

Balm For All

This tube is made with 30% post consumer resin and can be sent back in with our recyling program!

Cracked lips? Sunburned back? Diaper chafing? (yep we use this on our kiddos too!) This super gentle balm will soothe and nourish your irritated and burned skin.

I hope you find this helpful. Not every link I post on here is an affiliate, and I am very choosy with what products I recommend and the companies I choose to partner with. When you purchase through my affiliate links- you are helping me continue to be able to share my recommendations! Thank you so much for reading:)

xx Allie

Yes, Beautycounter is Direct Sales

But here is why that doesn’t matter. Part II.

Last month I shared a blog post on two of the major issues relating to direct sales/MLMs—losing money and recruiting. I would encourage you to start here if you have questions about this business model and how Beautycounter runs things.

This follow-up blog post is going to discuss reasons Gregg Renfrew chose the direct sales business model, and why it has been such a powerful tool for creating legitimate social and legal change.

Gregg Renfrew. OG Boss and Leader.

One of the things that first drew me to Beautycounter (besides the sustainability efforts and the amazing products) was listening to Gregg Renfrew speak. If you have never heard her, I am going to encourage you to stop reading this and head over to this podcast interview to hear her thoughts on business and women’s health.

Our fearless leader, Gregg Renfrew

When the vision for Beautycounter was first conceived, Renfrew was fresh off selling the wedding list to Martha Stewart. She was a retail consultant to Fortune 500 companies, knew how to build a business from the ground up, and was not new to retail and business development. And yet…she still chose a different model. Because this time, the goal was different. Did she want a successful company? Of course. But, she also wanted to change the beauty industry from the inside out by partnering with consumers.

This was a total reworking of the beauty industry at the time.

Due to the woefully inadequate regulations involving a shockingly lucrative industry, beauty companies were incentivized to not disclose harmful or dangerous products. Because of that, labels were difficult to read, sourcing was untraced, and companies held their ingredients close to their chest. Consumer safety fell to the bottom of priorities, giving way to the old bottom line, and increased secretiveness.

When Beautycounter emerged we had a new goal– education and consumer awareness. I love Beautycounter. I would love for you to love Beautycounter and buy a few products. BUT THAT IS NOT THE END GOAL. The end goal is making sure that YOU and the people you know are informed consumers. That you have the knowledge to navigate a product label, that you can understand the fragrance loophole when you are trying to find lotion for your baby, that you know which ingredients are known endocrine disruptors, and you can avoid them—especially when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Renfrew knew if her products were simply sitting on shelves, that educational component wouldn’t happen. And, with that loss would also come the loss of the group of advocates who have been able to change the laws surrounding personal care through lobbying, making their voices heard, and educating the people closest to them.

FastCompany’s article captures this best—women are powerful. Women on a mission are unstoppable, and Renfrew saw an industry she believed could be transformed—if the right people decided to get on board.

For me it’s so much more than just selling lipstick. It’s sharing clean options with my loved ones, empowering people through education, and being part of a movement that truly wants a safer future for everyone.

Okay. How have they created change?

I am SO GLAD you asked.

Did you know the term “clean beauty” wasn’t around pre-Beautycounter? I’m serious. Due to trade secrets and a closed-lip industry, ingredients were basically unregulated, so there was no standard for what was deemed “good for health.” (Watch this video for a particularly eye-opening interview at minute 37).

Beautycounter changed so much of that. By offering a different, safer, and high-quality product, Beautycounter demonstrated to the beauty industry that safer or “clean” was also profitable, and something consumers wanted. Now, when you shop at Target, Walmart, Walgreens, there is an entire wall dedicated to products whose ingredients are safer for everyone.

Need something more concrete? In the past few years Beautycounter has been central at passing nine, yes nine, pieces of legislation all aimed at better beauty industry regulations.

*Toxic Free Cosmetics Act

*Safer Fragrance Bill

*Sustainable Chemistry R&D Act

*Safer Salon Bill

*Microbead-Free Waters Act

*Pollusion Prevention for our Futures Act

*Safer Sunscreen Bill

*Cleaning Product Right to Know Act

*Toxic-Free Kids Act

(Head over to this quick summary of several of these laws).

Beautycounter is changing the industry in a way no one has seen since 1938

There is a reason Refrew was asked to testify at the Consumer Confidence Hearing in late 2019. There is a reason we have been a B Corp as a company since the day we started. There is a reason we have been termed the “industry leading clean beauty brand” by Business Insiders, WWD, and FastCompany. We are making more than waves—we are making long-lasting social change.

And, I know. You still don’t want to be invited to the Tupperware party and feel pressured to buy something because the person is staring at you while you shop.

But, it may be worth considering that the gal selling Beautycounter might just be interested in more than a sale. Try asking. My guess is, they would much rather discuss women’s health, sustainability (coming up next, don’t you worry), and ethical business practices.

Whether or not you buy Beautycounter is up to you.

Want more information about sustainable motherhood, fashion and beauty? Grab my newsletter to stay in the loop! And, keep your eyes open for my next blog post.

Tips for Camping with Kids

Hint: It’s more about the mentality than the gear.

The latest edition to our family–the airstream we now use for “glamping.”

“Now I see the secret of making the best person, it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.” ― Walt Whitman

Camping is in my blood- I grew camping with my family, and my parents threw the three of us kids in the back of the ’88 red Volvo station wagon and we towed a tent trailer around the western US during my childhood.  We visited Mesa Verde, the Redwoods, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and many more.  I have such fond and formative memories of camping with my family.  

I firmly believe it is why I have such a passion for the outdoors, sustainability and protecting the environment.  I owe so much to my parents for instilling this love in me.  

Although we are now really “glamping” in our new airstream, I still wanted to write a post about how we camp with our kids–whether that is high style in our Airstream Flying Cloud trailer or tent camping and rooftop camping with our Tepui.  

Yellowstone with 5 kids ( cousins) was a blast- we loved seeing the geysers!

Camping shapes kids (and all of us) in so many positive ways

Camping (at any age, but especially with kids) teaches problem solving, grit, patience, and how to develop a sense of adventure.  On every trip, there is going to be something that doesn’t go as expected- weather, road/park closures, broken/ forgotten gear, unexpected animal visitors, malfunctioning equipment, tantrums (by both the adults AND the children), unexpected terrain- you name it…we’ve seen it.  Due to this- I feel like camping also teaches how to be resilient and to go with the flow when life throws curve balls.  These are valuable lessons that I wish to pass on to my girls. 

And so my first piece of advice is simple–when that tire goes flat, or you realize someone forgot the matches, take a breath, and hold tight to your sense of humor. There WILL be a hiccup (or several!), and the best thing you can do for your partner, your kids and your sanity is to remember to keep your sense of humor. 

Remember- your kids are watching how you react to the hiccups, and this is an ideal time to model how to problem solve, how to laugh and how to roll with the punches. 

This is a picture with me while having a GNARLY case of orbital cellulitis (basically a terrible eye infection) while on a week long camping trip in Oregon…thank goodness for telehealth. I was able to snag some antibiotics but not before we had some good laughs about my resemblance to Sloth from The Goonies.

Remember: the goal is not perfection, but time together

Second, I am going to ask you to shift your expectations. Here me out on this- I am not saying come with an attitude that camping with kids is going to be horrible. Instead, come with the idea that riding bikes around the campsite, rolling around in the dirt, building troll houses with sticks, messy faces, dirty hands and filthy clothes are the essence of camping.  My father always says “it’s a gift to be simple”- Casey and I often repeat this phrase to each other, and we use it as a reminder that enjoying the little moments are KEY to happiness. 

It’s OK not to go and see a million things and hike a bunch of miles on your camping trip. That hike may end up being .5 miles, or the campsite may be as far as you go and THAT’S OK.  Enjoy the sticky marshmallow hands, the grubby camp hands and soak in every bit of WONDER that you can.  


The Nitty Gritty

When it comes to things like naptime, bedtime etc, I think you really need to do what works best for you and your family. We often just do a “nap on the go” situation and make sure there is a kid carrier or stroller nap SOMEWHERE in the day. We are willing to compromise on the strict nap and bedtime routine and schedule for a short period if it means we get to get our and have some epic adventures.

Other quick tips:

  • bring chairs for the kids to sit in while hanging at camp
  • bikes are a must- some afternoons are spent just riding the loops at the campground
  • for long haul trips- see my reel about car entertainment for kids
  • scavenger hunts and candy make hikes much more exciting for kiddos (and grown ups)
  • DON’T forget to bring laundry detergent if you’re planning on using the laundr-o-mat ( many campsites have then onsite)
  • There’s no shame in using firestarter, just sayin.

Some of my favorite camp gear: these are not affiliate links but if you buy them from Sport’s Basement you are supporting my local company in the Bay Area that does amazing things for their local communities, plus my hubby works for them 🙂 In a future post I’ll flesh out these recs a bit!

favorite camp chair

Best Cooler

Ultralight packable table

Our fave kid carrier

Have fun out there!

Our 2021 Airstream Flying Cloud is named the Nimbus 2021 (a nod to Harry Potter’s flying broomstick)

Current Links and Discount Codes

I take a great amount of pride and care in choosing the products and brands I recommend on my blog and on instagram. It is really important to me that I do my due diligence to make sure that the brand I am sharing is ethical and sustainable.

With that said, I wanted to have one place where all of my links and codes are in one spot for you to access.

These are affiliate links, which means I am able to earn a SMALL commission if you shop through them, at no extra cost to you! Please know that I truly appreciate you support when you choose to shop through my links!

By doing so you are helping to support my blog and it allows me to continue sharing what I love!


Beautycounter is my go to for clean makeup, skincare and body care. They are a B corporation with a focus on advocating for safer, more sustainable beauty for ALL. They are known as the leader in clean beauty for a reason- they provide high performing and award winning products that are also free of over 1800 harmful or questionable ingredients. To boot, they are also aiming for all products to be refillable, compostable, or recyclable by 2025 and for carbon neutrality by 2030. Use the code CLEANFORALL20 for 20% off your first purchase! Shop my link here!

Earth Hero

EarthHero is the one-stop-shop for everything sustainable, making it easy to find trusted eco-friendly products from over 250+ ethical brands. Through our 5-step sourcing methodology, we ensure every brand and product on our site meets our strict standards for sustainable materials, manufacturing, packaging, give-back, and of course, can be used to help you live a mindful lifestyle. Every order is shipped carbon neutral through our partnership with Climate Neutral and comes packaged and shipped plastic-free – or with minimal plastic packaging. We donate 1% of sales towards environmental nonprofits worldwide through 1% for the Planet, and we’re a Certified B Corp joining a network of companies using business as a force for good. When you shop on EarthHero, you’re supporting a future where products are made better – for people, and for the planet. From zero-waste living products to sustainable clothing, to tech and home products and beyond, EarthHero aims to have an eco-friendly alternative to anything and everything you need to purchase.

That’s sustainable shopping made simple. Click here


ABLE // Local + Global. Beautiful products by women who have overcome.

ABLE is an ethical fashion brand that employs and empowers women as a solution to end poverty. They deeply devoted to quality – both in the products they make and the quality of life they aim to provide. They invest in, train, and educate women so they can earn a living, break the cycle of poverty, and thrive. They are also doing the work in the sustainability aspects of their business. If you’re needing to buy new quality pieces (jewelry, clothing, bags etc.) This is a great choice. Shop here.

Pela Case

The phone industry has a HUGE problem. Greedy companies use cheap, polluting plastics for their phone cases. Pela decided that you and our planet deserve better so they created the world’s first compostable phone case. They also have many other accessories that are compostable. Pela Cases are COMPOSTABLE and free of lead, cadmium, BPA and phthalates. Our cases are made of a proprietary blend of biopolymers and Canadian Prairie flax shive. Pela Case is designed to protect your phone and formulated to reduce waste on our planet. Shop here.

Zero Waste Store

“Everything on our planet is intricately interconnected, and the environment that we depend on to survive is impacted by each one of us, and every action (and inaction) we take. Conventional consumer products are creating an unsustainable amount of waste, and exacerbate the environmental problems that potentially threaten life on the planet as we know it. We can’t afford to ignore the bigger problem at hand with consumerism any longer. “

We must rethink the way we consume.

Shop Now at Zero Waste Store


Responsible, Eco-Friendly, Unscented & Unprinted Diapers. Better For You & The Planet. Subscription Guarantees You Will Never Have Too Many Diapers And You Will Never Run Out. CO2 Offset Each Delivery. Clinically-Tested & Safe ingredients…not to mention has a corresponding composting program called REDYPER. I have a whole post reviewing DYPER here.

Use this link to shop DYPER


Dropps® Are Pre-Measured Laundry And Dishwasher Detergent Pods That You Just Toss And Go! Eco-Friendly Laundry Pods Made With Plant-Based Ingredients. Compostable Cardboard Package. Free Shipping. Safer Ingredients. High-Efficiency. Shop here!


They support charities: FOR EVERY BANDANA SOLD, THEY DONATE 10% OF PROCEEDS TO CHARITIES CHOSEN BY THE ARTISTS THEY WORK WITH (they’ve given $85,000 and counting already and on their website you can choose to shop by cause!)They support the planet: BANDITS BANDANAS ARE HAND MADE, FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED, AND BUILT FROM SUSTAINABLY-SOURCED, 100% ORGANIC COTTON
Not to mention the founders are RAD humans. SHOP HERE AND Use the code: ALLISONZ15 for 15% off your order!

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