10 Tips For Thrifting Clothing

Photo from unsplash

I LOVE that you’re here to get some tips for thrifting clothing (yay secondhand!) But I want to put a disclaimer on this post that thrifting should not become a way that you perpetuate overconsumption. In other words, you can’t just ditch your fast fashion habit and replace it with trips to the thrift stores every week. Thrift hauls on instagram make me cringe (even though I certainly have shown off what I scored at the thrift store) because seriously- we shouldn’t be HAULING anything.

To change the system of overproduction that is destroying our planet and the people who make our garments, we have to change our HABITS. Changing our habit of continual consumption is HARD folks. And I want to be clear: this is NOT a place of shame. We have been conditioned to over consume. So please, don’t waste energy feeling guilty about past habits- just start the change today!

Now, onto the tips:

1. Do a wardrobe edit and really think about what you need. I mean really get in there and Marie Kondo that closet.  Touch every item.  I want you to ask yourself these questions….Can you build at least 10 outfits with it? Have you worn it in the last year?  In the words of the graceful Marie Kondo- DOES IT SPARK JOY??  Don’t feel like after you edit your wardrobe you need to fill it up again. There is power and freedom in LESS.

2. Know before you go. It really helps know what item you’re looking for.  After you have edited your wardrobe, don’t rush out and get those “staple pieces that everyone needs” because you may not actually need them.  Instead wear what you have and then take note of what you are really missing! 

3. Knowing your color season helps. When you walk into the thrift store and you know your colors, you can skip over colors that you know don’t flatter your tone. I did one with Lindsey Meyers and her team at Created Colorful and it’s helped me navigate thrift shopping a lot.  

4. TRY THINGS ON if possible.  Some stores do not have dressing rooms, but if they do, GET IN THERE! If you can’t go in, find a mirror and try on things you can there. To be honest, pants are VERY TOUGH for me to purchase from the thrift store if I cannot try them on.

5. Be open to surprises.  I don’t want to encourage impulse buying, but if you fall in love with something while you’re there, put it in your cart and mull on it while you look around.  I also like to text my sister a picture and get her input.  

6. Look at the materials: will they wash/age well? Synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, rayon, acrylic, spandex, or faux fur naturally shed tiny plastic particles when you wear and wash them.  When thrown in a landfill, polyester takes more than 200 years to decompose.  Natural fibers come with their own human rights issues but they do tend to be better for the environment and wash/age better.

7. Don’t forget about the tailor! So you found that adorable vintage shift dress but its a skosh too big? Take it to your local tailor and they will make that item SING for you.  

8. Be willing to be patient for the right piece. It’s out there, it just may take some time to find it.

9. Larger thrift stores certainly will have more options, but sometimes they really get overwhelming.  Smaller local thrift stores are a great place to start, and I love supporting them as they often funnel money directly back into my community.  

10. Smells DO come out. This is a big one for people, and I totally understand. I actually have a reel about it because I am SO sensitive to fragrance. I recommend soaking your garment in water, white vinegar and some baking soda, and then pop it in the wash. It has worked every time for me!

 If you’re still not sure you want to GO to a thrift store, but want to shop secondhand, I have a post on that here. There are SO many ways to shop secondhand!

