
Looking to simplify and clean up your wardrobe?

Well here is my quick and dirty (clean?) tips for a cleaner closet:

  1. Marie Kondo that closet.  I mean it- go and touch every single piece of clothing and see if it sparks joy.  If not, donate, sell, or if it is in poor shape grab yourself a For Days (a sustainable clothing brand) Take Back bag and recycle your clothing for product credit!
  1. When you’ve landed on some of your favorite pieces, sit with them for a while.  Don’t rush out and fill in the gaps just yet.  Try and wear what you have and take note of what you really need. I literally mean write that ish down!
  2. When you’ve determined what you need in your wardrobe-first look second hand (ha).  Check poshmark, depop, the real real, in person thrifting, mercari, or find your favorite thrift resellers on insta.
  3. If you cannot buy from there, you can always try to find a sustainable clothing brand option: Patagonia, Outerknown, For Days, Everlane, Pact, Eileen Fisher, Able, Tradlands and many more are good options. Yes- they can be spendy, but remember these pieces are going to be with you as an INVESTMENT. 
  4. When investing in new items, natural fibers are best. They often wash and wear better and you are looking for pieces that will last! 
  5. Never underestimate the power of accessories! Find some statement earrings, a purse or scarf and it changes the WHOLE vibe.
  6. Don’t be ashamed to be an outfit repeater! Wear that label loud and proud.  If you need something for an event use Rent the Runway to wear something fresh- sustainable and affordable! 
  7. Break your fast fashion habit.  Are you just buying what is trendy? Or is it really part of your STYLE.  Hone what makes you feel good, and stick with those pieces.  REAAAAALLLY love a trend? I bet you can find it secondhand! Start the hunt! 
  8. PUT ON BLINDERS AT TARGET. I mean dang, their clothing is SO cute but I promise- you very likely DO NOT NEED IT like you think you do!
  9. Wear what you have- this is the most sustainable choice you can make.  Better for your wallet and the Earth! 

    I promise you, less is more.  It is freeing to have less options.  You will surprise yourself with how many fun outfits you can come up with! Also, its less laundry and less time getting ready in the morning! Yahoo!

Hope you find this helpful!